Tagged: singlegirlie

Holy Sex Toys, Batman!

*Graphic Article About Sex Toys Alert*   *Graphic Article About Sex Toys Alert*   *Graphic Article About Sex Toys Alert*   


My Fotoshop skills are not improving...

My Fotoshop skills are not improving…

It’s been a long time coming, but me and one of my absolute favorite west coast enigmas have teamed up to provide a ridiculous commentary on some of the wildest pleasure tools that money can buy.

The mystery woman I’m referring to operates under the alias Singlegirlie, and her sultry feminine scent still lingers here.

Let’s backtrack.  I call her an enigma because for as many times as we’ve chatted, I still don’t know what the hell she looks like.  For all I know she could be some freaky carnival dude living in a van down by the park river.  Even if that were the case, he/she’d still be funny.

So strap on your stilettos and take a stroll with us down the neverending isle of rubber wieners and pocket vaginas:

Weird Sex Toys That Will Never See My Junk


– Catch ya’ll on the flip-side, Chowderheads \m/

Valentine’s Candy Messages for the Cynical Single Person

Alright!  It’s taken me five grueling months to decide on the first candidate to stand under the hot-lights, but I’m 100% confident that I found the perfect mix of raunch and class to pop the Chowderhead guest blogging cherry.   Is that possible to be both raunchy and classy?  I guess you’ll just have to judge for yourself.

I’m convinced that Singlegirlie and I were separated at birth, but after that, one of us went on to play rock and roll, drink beer, and start accidental house party fires, and the other went on to debate penis sizes, and lead the single world with a fist in the air and lipstick on her teeth.

Without further ado let’s give a big, warm welcome and rock star salute to the Chelsea Handler of the blogging world, Singlegirlie.  Earmuffs.


Single Girl Blogging

What up, Chowderheads? Singlegirlie inna house. Valentine’s Day is tomorrow, which means I’ve been busy stocking up on vodka and hiding the knives and razor blades. But I did take a moment to create some of my own super cute candy hearts with special messages on them for my loved ones. And I made some for you, too. So suck on these, my sweet babboos, and I hope you enjoy the burn of VD as much as I do.

Happy Valentine’s Day. Now STFU.

There’s always that one annoying a-hole who goes on and on about what a wonderful Valentine’s Day they had with their sweetums. Well, I got news for you. Most people, single or not, hate V-day the way 99% of the planet hates Kanye West. If you’re single, you feel like a loser. If you’re in a relationship, you resent the monumental pressure Valentine’s Day forces upon you to do something romantic. So save the sickeningly sweet details about your ooey gooey day for your cat. Because trust me, no one wants to hear that shit.

Danny the DildoI’ll always be there.  ❤ Danny the Dildo

You can’t always count on a man, but your dildo will never let you down. I named my dildo Danny after Danny Zuko from Grease. (Note that this was John Travolta back when he was hot and before he became a big, fat, gay alien worshipper and massage boy molester.) Unlike a man, my Danny is super reliable and I can always find him right where I left him – in my bottom dresser drawer concealed by a mountain of Duracell eight-packs. And although he’s unable to thrust himself and has not the same texture as actual man meat, he also doesn’t make a mess inside me or ask for a post-coitus sandwich.

You’re never alone when there’s Craigslist.

Oh, don’t scoff, you know you’ve looked. Hell, even I’ve used Craigslist before. Granted, you may not find your soul mate, but it beats sitting alone on VD diddling yourself whilst watching queens throw tantrums on Project Runway. On Craigslist, you can find anyone into anything you want, so why not take this opportunity to explore your adventurous side? Always dreamed of urinating in a dwarf’s belly button? Craigslist is there. Hermaphrodite-curious? Look no further. This is your time to go hog wild with absolutely no one to judge you! Only downside is the possibility of getting murdered and dismembered – but hey, at least you’re not alone on Valentine’s Day.

Take solace in the fact that your V-day isn’t as bad as Manti Te’o’s.

If anyone’s had a bad time of it lately, it’s Manti Te’o. How would you feel if you discovered that your fake, dead girlfriend is a real, live gay man? Before this scandal broke, I never knew Manti Te’o existed, much less his catfish girlfriend. But this is the catfish to end all catfish – the King God Kamehameha Catfish, if you will. First, the love of his life gets cancer. Then she dies of it. Then he learns that she faked her own death. Then he learns that she faked her whole identity. Then he learns that she’s a HE – a 275-pound, high-talking, Samoan HE in severe denial of his sexuality. Given the choice between his shit and my shit, I’ll take the dildo and a Craiglist random any day.

I’m single, but you’re stuck with that asshole.

It’s no secret that single folk curse their coupled brethren around this time of year, assuming they’ve got it better because they have a sweetheart. But what we singles are wont to forget is that V-day can be a steaming pile of dog shit for couples, too. As we all know, 50% of marriages end in divorce. But that doesn’t mean the 50% that stay together are all in a state of wedded bliss. I guarantee that many of these people regularly fantasize about stabbing their spouse with a steak knife, but they stay together because of the kids or because divorce is expensive or because the death penalty is still legal in many states. So take comfort in the fact that even though you’re lonely, at least you don’t go to bed at night wondering if your penis will be attached in the morning.

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About Singlegirlie

I am a single girl dating in Los Angeles. Sometimes.  It’s interesting.  If you enjoy snark, penis stories and the occasional F-bomb, mosey on over to Single Girl Blogging to partake in the mayhem.  Or find me on Twitter @singlegirlie.


I think I need a drink after that.  But first, how bout a round of applause?

– Happy Blogging \m/ 

P.S.  Stop by tomorrow for the Vlog.  It’s gonna be killer!

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